Message from the Editor for August 2022 Issue
Posted on 2022-08-19I would like to applause the efforts of Guest Editor Dr. Khairul Nizam Tahar and other member of Editorial team Sr Dr Saiful Aman Hj Sulaiman, Gs Dr Nabilah Naharudin and Dr Nafisah Khalid in briging out a special issue from selected peer reviewed papers from 8th International Conference on Geomatics and Geospatial Technology (GGT) 2022. The theme of this conference was “Geospatial Technologies Tackling Global Challenges”. The content of research papers very well manifest the potential of GIS, Remote Sensing, UAVs, Ground Profiling Radar, LiDAR, and advanced data processing techniques in creating knowledge to tackle the complex issues. Some challenges which have been addressed are road accidents, precision agriculture to solve horticulture issue, paddy crop monitoring, iPhone LiDAR sensor for 3D surface assessment, Buried pipes mapping etc. I am sure the content is quite motivating for young researchers and amazing for the senior researchers how diverse geospatial applications to tackle global challenges are emerging. I express my sincere thanks to all the researchers who contributed their work in this special issue.
I look forward more papers on similar applications from other countries. There are many other global challenges such as impacts of Covid 19 on socio-economic and geopolitical implications. Climate change continues to pose threats to sustainability of many sectors. I am sure lots of missions and projects are going on all SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). I will be very glad to have a special issue on this aspect in coming months.
With warm regards to all the readers and reviewers of International Journal of Geoinformatics.