GeoS4S Module Geovisualization

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Vozenilek V.


Any geospatial study involves geovisualization as either input information sources or output information presentations. The term Geovisualization consists of cartographic concepts of coding and encoding of spatial information. It involves GIS-related topics of data management, data processing and principles of data visualization, mainly concerning Bertin s principles of graphic variables. The efficient practicing in GJS• based geovisualization includes interface design, interactivity, generalization, and publishing. The paper summarizes the learning objectives, lesson content, learning activities and evaluation scheme for the Geovisualizatian module.

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How to Cite
V., V. (2018). GeoS4S Module Geovisualization. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 14(3). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Vozenilek V.

Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic