Message from the Editor for May 2024 Issue

Main Article Content

Nitin Kumar Tripathi


I am glad to reach you with Volume 20 number 5 issue of International Journal of Geoinformatics. This issue has some contributions to the geoinformatics. Specially, I would like to mention a paper addressing the issue of water crisis in Indian Cities using IoT, Cloud and AI enabled sensors. Integration of geospatial technologies and Fuzzy-AHP can be used to access ground water potential in Morrocco is presented in one of the papers. I am sure this kind of papers carry the solution to urban water management. Another paper uses ANN based land use land cover transformation predictions in 2028 and 2038 using existing data from 2013 to 2023. This proposes technique to monitoring land use as per the governmental policy. A very interesting paper investigates low cost GNSS for precise point positioning using MADOCA corrections. A paper from Malaysia dwells into the multiscale quantification of LAI using UAV and SPOT-7 data. A group of researchers have attempted to determine impact of population changes on functional composition of the city of Samarra in Iraq. The diverse and challenging applications of geospatial technologies combined with new technological tools offer scope for many new applications to monitor and meet the Sustainable Development Goals.


These new technologies need to move from research papers to standard postgraduate curriculum to develop human resources with latest skill-sets. Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning models with continuous dynamic data offers huge opportunities for accurate mapping of useful information. AI can be an astonishing paradigm to create decision support system based on huge spatial data of the past. A bigger scope stands in front of us to join hands with DS and AI and integrate the geospatial technologies to provide seamless approach of learning.


Looking forward to more contributions using AI in data analysis for enhanced efficiency of information generation for future sustainability.

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How to Cite
Tripathi, N. K. (2024). Message from the Editor for May 2024 Issue. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 20(5). Retrieved from