Application of Schema-Aware Encoder-Decoder in 3D City Inventory Management

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C.B. Siew
A. Abdul Rahman


The use cases of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) had been extensively discussed in various researches from disaster management, city inventory management and etc. The realization of spatial data sharing within national agencies and stakeholders is due to the formation of data standardizations for interoperability, and service oriented architecture (SOA). Extension of such technology could nevertheless be applied in three-dimensional (3D) spatial data sharing. However, certain issues need to be addressed and solved, such as visualization pipeline and analysis pipeline for 3D spatial data in SOA. This paper discusses existing 3D SDI frameworks, and how an efficient encoder-decoder coupling method could be one solution for analysis pipeline in which both geometric and semantic information should be present. The framework is then integrated into building inventory management and 3D bu0ildings are presented at client side for property tax appraisal exercise.

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How to Cite
Siew, C., & Abdul Rahman, A. (2015). Application of Schema-Aware Encoder-Decoder in 3D City Inventory Management. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 11(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography

C.B. Siew, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate,UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate,UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia