Message from the Editor for March 2023 Issue

Main Article Content

Nitin Tripathi


From Editor-in-Chief

Geoinformatics research is increasingly being used in disaster modeling and mapping. There is always a need to improve the methodology, and algorithms or enhance the quality of the data. This issue deals with a research paper on using LiDAR data for landslide susceptibility mapping in a forested environment of mountainous topography. Another paper explores NBR index-based fire detection system in a national park developed using Sentinel – 2 data. Scientists from Jordan have presented work on finding rainwater harvesting sites using AHP. Rainwater harvesting is the most important issue which is a must for water security in densely populated urban environments. This enhances the groundwater levels and meets the demand for water supply for domestic and commercial use. There is a need to use IoTs to monitor groundwater levels and also recharge during the rainy season for efficient water management. This may be taken up as a mission like solar energy panels being used on rooftops and encouraging people to go for green energy and reduce carbon emissions.

UAVs are a common device to provide useful real-time data for Earth mapping. This issue brings a paper for the creation and assessment of a topographic map from unmanned aerial vehicle data. I hope this will be useful to achieve higher accuracy.

Road accidents are causing more deaths compared to many diseases annually. Motorcycle accidents are fatal, especially in young people. One paper from Thailand ventures into exploring and analyzing this issue of motorcycle accident locations using GIS spatial analysis. I am sure this kind of research will be more useful in analyzing accident cases and can be incorporated into google maps to issue a caution to drivers in accident-prone zones.

I would like to express gratitude to all the reviewers for their timely review and for supporting the International Journal of Geoinformatics to reduce publication time and achieve its target of 12 issues per year. Best wishes for a healthy life and great success in your professional domain. I appeal to all researchers to choose IJG for speedy review and publication to disseminate the research to a wider audience. We are also increasing to share new content lists and papers using social media channels to enhance citations and the H-Index of our authors.

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How to Cite
Tripathi, N. (2023). Message from the Editor for March 2023 Issue. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 19(3). Retrieved from